
Payroll Deduction

Parking payroll deductions for faculty/staff permit holders resumed in June. Our last announcement specified that voluntary parking deductions would be suspended for MN5 (paid on May 15), BW11 (paid on May 27), and BW12 (paid on June 10), to coincide with Governor Pritzker’s extension of the stay-at-home order. Because the stay-at-home order was NOT extended further, suspension of parking deductions was also not extended.  
Parking does not receive funding from the State or University, nor does the University or State receive profits from the Parking Department. Parking is still responsible for debt payment, lot maintenance, and employee salaries. Over half of parking revenue comes from permit sales. 
Permit holders working from home, who wish to terminate voluntary parking deductions, have the option to cancel their permit and corresponding payroll deduction. However, if the lot is waitlisted, you are not guaranteed an immediate return to that lot. Rather, when you start your parking up again, you would be able to select the closest currently available lot and place yourself on the waitlist for your lot of preference. Deductions must continue to retain a space in a waitlisted lot. 
You may stop your payroll deduction by going to and clicking “Stop Payroll Deduction”. If a “Stop Payroll Deduction” form is not submitted, non-refundable deductions will continue, even if your permit is returned/expired. 

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